


  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/6/4 -Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a group of conditions in which there's pressure on blood vessels or nerves in the area between the neck and shoulder.

    2024/7/19 -Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) refers to three related syndromes involving compression of the nerves, arteries, and veins in the lower neck and upper chest ...

    2024/6/4 -This group of conditions is caused by pressure on the blood vessels or nerves between the collarbone and rib. The pressure can cause pain and numbness.

    2024/5/11 -Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a term used to describe a variety of conditions that occur when there is compression, irritation, or injury to the nerves or ...

    2024/5/23 -Thoracic outlet syndrome is a rare condition that occurs when there is compression of vessels and nerves in the area of the clavicle. This can happen when there ...

    2024/4/8 -Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) refers to a compression of nerves, arteries, or veins in the space between your collarbone and top rib.

    2024/5/22 -TOS is often caused by physical structures like a cervical rib or tight scalene muscles compressing the nerves and vessels. Injuries, poor posture, obesity, and ...

    Dr. Ying Wei Lum, assistant professor of surgery, describes thoracic outlet syndrome, when to refer a patient, different treatment options and what makes it ...

    Johns Hopkins Clinical Connection

    2024/6/12 -Droopy shoulder syndrome (DSS) manifests as discomfort or abnormal sensations in the neck, shoulder, chest, and upper limbs, resulting from tension on the ...

    2024/6/14 -Arterial TOS symptoms involve reduced blood flow, coldness, and pain. In Venous TOS, swelling in the upper extremity may be present, along with increased pain ...


    胸郭出口症候群(きょうかくでぐちしょうこうぐん、英thoracic outlet syndrome)は、腕神経叢と鎖骨下動脈、鎖骨下静脈が胸郭出口付近で頚肋、鎖骨、第一肋骨などや前斜角筋、中斜角筋、小胸筋などに圧迫・牽引されることで起きる症状の総称である。1860年、Willsh…-Wikipedia