

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
    • 浴衣も含めた結果を表示しています。
    • #yukataで再検索



      Traditional Yukata - summer flowers on blue sky ... This is a traditional style yukata made from breathable Japanese cotton. All accessories sold separately.



      About this item. It is also recommended for events and festivals. Elegant Japanese color Yukata for Men. It is a Yukata tailored with cool weave fabrics!

      An abbreviation of 湯帷子 (yukatabira): yukatabira > yukata. Pronunciation edit.

      YUKATA with sash belt. made in Japan. Midori Yukata "Violet Flower Raft / 臙脂花筏". $90.00 USD. YUKATA with sash belt. made in Japan.

      Put the yukata on. Spread your arms out to the side, grasp the end of each sleeve, then tug outward so that there are no creases in the yuki

      Yukata with sash belt. for Children Kids Girls. made in Japan Midori Yukata "Light Blue Cherry Blossoms / 水色桜". $57.00 USD ...

      Kimono and Yukata for men. Summer cotton Kimono (yukata) and Kimono+ haori jacket with obi sash. Men's one is always simple since Samurai spirit.

      Known as the summer kimono, yukata is an authentic casual Japanese garment that is perfect for many festive occasions. People love its vibrant colors, ...

      This is a traditional style yukata made from breathable Japanese cotton. All accessories sold separately. condition: mint vintage material: cotton

      Tie the obi in a bow at the front, and then turn it so it goes to your back. Place the left side over the right, and take the obi.

      A.裄長さんは、身八つ口の下あたりから斜めに肩巾を広く縫います。が、後巾と肩巾の差は2㎝以内に収めないと型が崩れます。 また、浴衣は裄が長すぎると不恰好ですので手首の骨が出る長さです。洋服とはそもそも裄

      A.本麻(小千谷縮)、セオアルファ、どちらも持っています。 見た目涼しげなのは本麻。長い期間着られるのはセオアルファ。 セオアルファは「いかにも夏」って感じの柄でなければ単衣の時期にも充分着られます。 サ


