


  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/3/22 -The man originally accused of planning the 2019 shooting of Red Sox legend David Ortiz in 2019 was found dead in the Dominican Republic.

    2023/12/3 -2022 Hall of Fame Inductee | 3x World Series Champ | 10x All-Star | @RedSox Ambassador | @FoxSports Analyst | @BigPapiProd Founder | Inquiries: ...

    2024/1/2 -The Boston Red Sox legend and Hall of Famer took a big swing at a gender reveal pitch -- and straight-up missed.


    3日前 -The former Red Sox star, a three-time World Series champ who frustrated Yankees fans during his career, was recognized for his prolific career and philanthropic ...

    2024/1/2 -Hall of Fame designated hitter David Ortiz swings and misses at ball set to reveal the gender of his fourth child.

    2024/5/13 -Baseball Hall of Famer David Ortiz has been honored by the New York Legislature for his prolific career and philanthropic work.



    2024/3/20 -Police in the Dominican Republic say a woman has been arrested in connection with the shooting of Boston Red Sox legend David Ortiz five years ago. The Hall ...

    2024/5/14 -Albany, NY — In a special ceremony held at the New York Senate, legendary baseball player David Ortiz, affectionately known as "Big Papi", was honored with ...

    2024/3/22 -A man who was once accused of planning the shooting of Boston Red Sox legend David Ortiz was found dead in the Dominican Republic, according to a report.

    A.打点を求められていないイチロー選手が30位代に入ってるのはむしろ凄いことだと思います。 イチロー選手に求められているのは基本的に打率、安打、盗塁、出塁率、得点です。 出塁率や得点は長距離打者と短...

    A.フリーター松井秀喜に興味を示す球団が現れないなか、西岡剛は複数球団の争奪戦になりそうです。 ロッテ西岡剛内野手(26)が10日、ポスティングシステム(入札制度)を利用しての大リーグ移籍を正式...




    デビッド・アメリコ・オルティーズ・アリアスは、ドミニカ共和国サントドミンゴ出身の元プロ野球選手。愛称はビッグ・パピ。 引退後の2017年に背番号「34」がボストン・レッドソックスの永久欠番となった。2022年にアメリカ野球殿堂入りを果たした。-Wikipedia