

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • Follower Dungeons allow you to queue up for Normal difficulty dungeons with a party of NPCs instead of other players. 1-4 players can queue up for this and ...

    YouTube-Zesty Guides

    2023/9/26 -Instagramアカウントをフォローのうえ、キャンペーン告知投稿にいいねを押せば応募完了です。 抽選で5組10名様を10/14(土)に開催されるレセプションパーティーへご招待 ...

    2023/10/12 -I really like having a DnD-esque party system for followers. Use NFF to set this follower to the tank, that one to healer, etc. Sure, it is overpowered by ...

    2023/12/30 -『THE PARTY』 総フォロワー5000万人を超えるインフルエンサー達全国の経営者 お客さん達と大忘年会 ✌️ 関係者の皆様 本当にありがとうございました

    2023/11/18 -Once you zone in to a follower dungeon, you will have a party of 4 NPCs with you when queueing solo! When queueing as a DPS, your party will be composed of the ...

    2023/12/26 -is there a way to increase my party follower cap beyond the 2 I get for having war party? Can only find one mod that claims to do it and it hasn't been ...

    2024/2/19 -JOIN OR YOU LOSE YOUR BLACK CARD! | 20K FOLLOWER PARTY! GRAB A PLATE 🍽️. Clipped by doncozy. Share this Clip. 0:28. JOIN TO HELP ME FIND A BLACK JOB.

    2024/1/19 -These are essentially Dragonflight dungeons where any open spots in your party are filled by NPCs. They're a particular godsend for DPS players who don't have a ...

    2024/1/10 -Once in the dungeon, you can make the choice to either lead the party through the dungeon, have another player in your group lead, or be led by one of the NPCs ...

    2024/4/11 -Nether's Follower Framework is a multi-follower system that is light on game resources and allows for up to 10 companions at one time. It provides a wealth ...

    Files 3-Posts 5764-Nether's Follower Framework-Follow the Leader