

  • mlmも含めた結果を表示しています。
  • #MLMで再検索

Multi-level marketing (MLM), also called network marketing or pyramid selling, is a controversial and sometimes illegal marketing strategy for the sale of ...

List of companies-Marketing strategy-Gharar-Category

Businesses that involve selling products to family and friends and recruiting other people to do the same are called multi-level marketing (MLM), ...

Multilevel marketing (MLM) is a monetary strategy used by direct-sales companies to encourage existing distributors to recruit new distributors.

Multi-level marketing programs involve the sales of products or services through various levels of distributors. How multi-level marketing programs work.

2023/4/26 -Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a method of selling products directly to consumers using independent sales representatives.

2024/8/15 -a business structure or practice in which an individual seller earns commissions both from direct sales and from the sales of the seller's recruits.

Multi-level Marketing (MLM) or network marketing, is individuals selling products to the public - often by word of mouth and direct sales. The main idea behind ...

2024/7/23 -Multi-level marketing (MLM), known as network marketing is a popular and promising method to grow a business at a great pace using abundant affiliates.

Multilevel marketing (MLM) is a strategy that sells products and services through a non-salaried workforce in a pyramid-shaped commission system. The MLM.

Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a business model in which sales are funneled through individuals and their social networks instead of through a retail ...


連鎖販売取引(れんさはんばいとりひき)とは、特定商取引法第33条で定義される販売形態のこと。日本では俗称としてマルチ商法などと呼ばれ、別途法律で禁止されている無限連鎖講(いわゆる、ねずみ講)と近接する事例も多い。英語では"Multi-level marketing"(マルチ、マル…-Wikipedia