

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/3/21 -A lect is a specific form of language. Some examples of lects: Cryptolect · Dialect · Idiolect · Sociolect · Register. This short article can be made longer ...


    • 天気:晴れ晴れ 27℃ (降水量0mm/h)00時の予報
    • 住所:広島県広島市西区扇二丁目1番45号
    • 電話:082-270-0051
    • 最寄り駅:草津南駅[出口]徒歩14分
    • 営業時間:
      営業中-営業終了 22:00





    2日前 -広島市西区に誕生したLECTのテーマは「知・食・住」。youme、T-SITE、CAINZが創りだす、今までになかった時間と空間を楽しめるショッピングセンターです。

    Event & news / イベント...-Access / アクセス-LECT LINEクーポン-LECT Walking

    2023/12/15 -Emission reductions in the LECT are based on the comparison of emissions from the baseline and replacement equipment. The tool assumes all baseline equipment ...

    2024/4/30 -In Experiment A, listeners heard read stimuli sentences in three conditions: unmodified, monotonized, and all vowels converted to schwa. Overall, they found ...

    4日前 -collect · 1 of 3. noun. col·​lect ˈkä-likt. also -ˌlekt. Synonyms of collect. 1. : a short prayer comprising an invocation, petition, and conclusion.

    2023/12/23 -The Law and Economics of Corporate Transactions (LECT) course is the interdisciplinary course that acts as the fulcrum for the entire MLF degree.

    2023/12/15 -GHG Emission Rates—Operational. The tool calculates GHG emissions from locomotive engines based on fuel consumption (gallons) and emission factors (grams per ...

    2023/10/29 -I'm a BIG word nerd. I create wicked tools to kick butt on word games. Anagrammer is my name, solving puzzles is my game!

    11時間前 -※鈴が峰住宅へご利用のお客様はアルパークバス停留所で下車のちアルパーク2番のりばからご乗車ください。