

  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 2024/8/19 -お知らせ の記事 株式会社アクションプラン 目標に向かって行動する中小企業を応援します.

    2024/8/19 -このセミナーは、ChatGPTの導入を検討している方や、すでに導入済みでさらなる活用方法を探している方に最適です。ぜひこの機会にご参加いただき、ビジネスの新たな可能性 ...

    2024/8/27 -This plan — which looks at getting around by walking, biking, transit, and car — will cover the same geographical area as PLAN: JP/Rox.

    2024/9/20 -アクションプランとは直訳すると「行動計画」 です。 目標を達成するためのプロセスを具体的なタスクに切り分け、リストアップしたもの を指します。 目標を達成するために ...

    2024/8/18 -• Establish systems to secure vaccines developed in Japan and overseas and to promote rapid vaccination in emergencies. • Promote digitalization of ...

    2024/9/26 -Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) is a wellness tool anyone can use to get well, stay well, and make their life more the way they want it to be.

    2024/10/2 -The action plan listed effective countermeasures to realize a world without additional pollution from plastic in the following eight fields.

    2024/11/1 -Youth leaders from around the globe came together to unveil the Action Plan, which has an ambitious agenda aimed at reshaping food security, sustainability and ...

    2024/10/21 -The Vision Zero Action Plan is the City's road map to reaching the goal of zero. The Vision Zero Action Plan was developed over the course of 2021.

    2024/9/12 -The new plan is designed to address crises caused by various infectious diseases, including new strains of COVID and influenza.