


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 6時間前 -NDLTD is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and ...

    Thesis Resources-Global ETD Search-Help Build Global ETD Search-Find ETDs

    2024/10/1 -Browse Digital Thesis. Online Resources. Connect to e-resources using your MyNewSchool credentials. You will be prompted to log in when needed. If you need ...

    2023/12/20 -digitalCC is Colorado College's institutional repository and digital archive, and includes student theses; student, department, and college publications.

    2024/10/20 -This online collection features the final theses and dissertations approved by the Graduate School of the University of Maine.

    2024/8/22 -Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more.

    2023/12/1 -Use the UA Theses & Dissertations Repository, to locate UA dissertations and masters theses submitted to the library from 1895-present.

    2024/5/31 -ETDs are openly published in UTA's institutional repository, called MavMatrix (formerly UTA ResearchCommons).

    2024/2/10 -Theses and dissertations are formal research papers that exhaustively address a topic, which PhD and many Master's candidates are required to complete.

    2024/1/9 -The University of New Mexico is proud to showcase the theses and dissertations of our graduate students. They have been collected here for public access and ...

    2024/7/24 -Crypto Research For Investors and Builders. Gain a competitive edge and discover new ideas with the most in-depth, well-researched analysis on key sectors and ...

    Membership Plans-Reports & Releases-The Complete Guide to Rollups-Rinko