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    2024/5/24 -... students pursue their academic goals each year. Headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, Perdoceo Education employs more than 5,000 faculty ...

    2023/11/27 -PGCC Cares is a community-wide effort to response to the critical needs of students, and is tailored to support their academic goals ...

    We are hoping that their academic goals are achieved while supporting them financially as well as having fellowship. Recent Updates. 2023/07/22. Scholarship ...

    Explore monthly events featuring top US boarding schools and gain valuable admissions tips for prestigious colleges worldwide!

    2023/9/24 -I am reaching out to you guys today to seek your guidance and expertise in generating project ideas that align with my academic goals and ...

    2023/10/11 -We bring unparalleled expertises. We don't get complacent. Since 1999, we've proudly helped 35,000+ students achieve their academic goals. 続き ...

    2020/9/23 -5 Amazing things to bear in mind to plan your study abroad.

    《an ~》学問的{がくもん てき}な[学問上{がくもん じょう}の]目的{もくてき}[目標{もくひょう}] 表現パターンacademic goal [objective].

    For 291 years, our school's three-fold educational mission for the samurai and local people of Hiroshima has been to 'guide talented young men on their ...