

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • The United States expressed deep concern on Thursday after Egyptian police raided offices of U.S.-backed pro-democracy and human rights groups, ...

    Egyptian prosecutors and police raided offices of 17 pro-democracy and human rights groups on Thursday - drawing criticism from the United States which ...

    The Trump Tracker app provides a way to stay in touch with Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States. App Features: • Trump's political activity ...

    2024/7/1 -hk_watch You don't actually care about so-called "democracy" or human rights; you just want Hong Kong to go back to being a Western colony.

    2023/12/22 -However, in 2003, the military government announced the “roadmap to democracy”, which included a new constitution (in 2008), and a general ...

    Title. 民主主義後退の時代に比較政治学ができるかもしれないこと. Sub Title. Comparative politics in the era of democratic backsliding.

    2024/10/17 -フォロワー2421人、フォロー中249人、投稿988件 - Common Cause NC (@commoncausenc)のInstagramプロフィール: 「Holding power accountable.」

    Michele Specht - 「いいね!」2.6万件 · 2332人が話題にしています - Actor/Comedian/Voice Actor - Dr. McKennah on “Star Trek Continues” and the voices of ...

    AP通信社 2019年6月中旬、極めて強い反発を引き越した「逃亡犯条例」改正案に関連して香港特別行政区行政長官が謝罪を表明したものの、民主主義派の議員と活動家等は ...

    プロジェクトやキャンペーンに最適な、本格的なUs China Protest Embassyストックフォトや画像をぜひお探しください。ゲッティイメージズで探す手間を減らし、見つける ...