

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • 2012/12/14 -U.S. government's aid agency from Moscow, some American pro-democracy groups are feeling pressured to leave, reducing Russian exposure to ...

    2022/6/8 -KHARTOUM (Reuters) - United Nations and African Union-sponsored talks aiming to restore political order in post-coup Sudan began on Wednesday ...

    The Japan-Hong Kong Democracy Alliance is a dynamic platform dedicated to promoting democracy, freedom, and human rights in Hong Kong and Asia. As an alliance ...

    Keep you updated on President Trump's latest statements, interviews, rallies, election audits, election results and more. No filters, No spins, ...

    2024/3/14 -... Democracy Project. We discuss his most recent book, A Real Right to Vote: How a Constitutional Amendment Can Safeguard American Democracy. A ...

    2024/5/3 -More than 30 pro-democracy groups in Thailand, including students, joined together for another mass rally in Bangkok on Wednesday, ...

    democracygroup.org/. (. (9) https://www.ned.org/ideas/podcast/. (. 30 ... Uncertain Democracies, Johns Hopkins University. Press,. (. 986. (真柄秀子・井戸 ...

    2023/12/22 -... democracy groups, ethnic armed groups and members of the previous NLD government. No members of the current Myanmar military government ...

    2024/3/21 -Rachel Bitecofer is a political scientist and election forecaster turned political strategist. Her most recent book is Hit 'Em Where it ...

    ... democracy groups that helped drive and organize the protests are pushing for Lam's resignation and the permanent scrapping of what they call the “evil ...