

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • 2024/6/18 -Has there ever been a billionaire who was philanthropic to the same cash value as the tax they didn't pay?

    2024/6/25 -@DoctorKarl. "After more than six months of long-distance troubleshooting—Voyager 1, any signal takes more than 22.5 hours to travel from our ...

    Doctor Karl | Rejuvenating old porcelain veneers for some bright new ones | Instagram ... Photo by Doctor Karl on November 19, 2023. いいね!11件.

    Primary School Teacher. IT Enthusiast. Nerd. Wollongong, New South Wales ...

    これは、このファイルが、リンク先のNARAで見つかったファイルと同一のものであるためです。このページのメタデータは当該機関から直接取り込んだものです。ウィキメディア ...


    2023/5/10 -Yesterday Doctor Karl Neff, Endocrinologist for the National Gender Service, went onto Newstalk to discuss the issues with the NGS along ...

    @DoctorKarl. ·. Nov 23, 2019. In Buenos Airport, the **free** WiFi is over 400 Mb/s! In Mongolia and Tibet it was 175Mb/s. How did we end up with 2-10 Mb/s in ...

    2024/3/7 -The artwork is perfect for a EPIC movie that the fans of Movies will love to see.

    ゲッティイメージズのプロのフォトグラファーが撮影した、高品質で本格的なKarl Comptonの写真とロイヤリティフリーの写真のプレミアムコレクションをご覧ください。