

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • In his “The simple argument for subclassical logic,” Jc Beall advances an argument that led him to take FDE as the one true logic (the latter point is ...

    Jc Beall i Greg Restall, Johan van Benthem, Ottavio Bueno i Scott Shalkovski, Stewart Shapiro i Roy Cook). Monizm (...) jest znacznie mniej preferowany niż ...

    [2] J. C. Beall (ed.), Revenge of the Liar, Oxford University Press, 2007. [3] R. T. Cook, Embracing revenge: on the indefinite extensibility of language, in [2] ...

    Logic: The Basics is a hands-on introduction to the philosophically alive field of logical inquiry. Covering both classical and non-classical theories, ...

    Possibilities and Paradox: An Introduction to Modal and Many-Valued Logic (with J.C. Beall), Oxford University Press, 2003. Scientific Representation ...

    2017/8/31 -[24] A. Rayo and T. Williamson. A completeness theorem for unrestricted first-order languages. In Jc Beall, editor, Liars and Heaps. Oxford ...

    ... Jc Beall. Oxford U.P. (GBR). 2023 年 8 月刊行予定, 176 p., Hard. ISBN 978-0-19 ... Organization Engineering: Academic. Origins and Theoretical System. By Yanping ...

    スタンフォード哲学百科事典: "Curry's Paradox" -- by J. C. Beall. Grossman, Jason, University of Sydney History & Philosophy of Science: A Proof that ...

    2013/6/24 -... Org Kelly clarksons Avto krka šempeter! 5 Photo Management Mistakes ... JC Beall and Bradley Armour Garb 93 - Dental Schools Panel 학교 ...

    2日前 -... org - OpenStreetMap dans la région Aquitaine. Ленинская улица д. 15Б ... JC Beall and Bradley Armour Garb Ep. #385: From survival mode ...