

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • red and green - Meaning of 丹碧, たんぺき, tanpeki. See complete explanation and more examples and pronunciation.

    From tan (丹, cinnabar red, vermilion, red) + heki (碧, deep blue, azure, blue). Noun. edit. 丹 ( たん ) 碧 ( ぺき ) • (tanpeki). red and green. References.

    The english translations and meanings for 丹碧, たんぺき and tanpeki are: red and green.

    tanpeki tan'aoi is the Japanese word for red and green. Learn how to say red and green in Japanese. Also discover red and green Japanese translation ...

    Chestnuts Roasted with Syrup Tuna Tanpeki-shita / Molu Kyoya Hibari x Tsuna Sawada ; Used. 600JPY ; Sales Tax: 0JPY ; Reference 3.77.

    tanpeki 】. noun: red and green. View. 丹前風呂 【 たんぜんぶろ tanzenburo 】. noun: famous bathhouse with prostitutes from the early Edo period. View. たんば ...

    Luvuyo Tanpeki. Chimezie Anthony yeah you throw them away to trap dogs ... Luvuyo Tanpeki I don't. It is not our ways of life. 2ヶ月前. Nsikak Paulinus.

    Tanpeki Makesへの大きなクレジット! - Blox Cardsからインスパイアされました。 アクティブ. 0. 訪問数. 1,169. [ CHRISTMAS!] Anime Slayer. CHRISTMAS EVENT IS HERE ...

    Jp-En >; 丹碧. 丹碧. Reading. Kana: たんぺき. Romaji: tanpeki. Kana. Romaji. Definition. noun. 1. red and green. Kanji. 丹. Readings: タン、 に. Meanings: rust- ...

    丹 ( たん ) 念 ( ねん ) (tannen); 丹 ( たん ) 波 ( ば ) (Tanba); 丹 ( たん ) 碧 ( ぺき ) (tanpeki); 丹 ( たん ) 薬 ( やく ) (tan'yaku); 黄 ( おう ) 丹 ( たん ) ...