

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • red and green - Meaning of 丹碧, たんぺき, tanpeki. See complete explanation and more examples and pronunciation.

    From tan (丹, cinnabar red, vermilion, red) + heki (碧, deep blue, azure, blue). Noun. edit. 丹 ( たん ) 碧 ( ぺき ) • (tanpeki). red and green. References.

    The english translations and meanings for 丹碧, たんぺき and tanpeki are: red and green.

    Chestnuts Roasted with Syrup Tuna Tanpeki-shita / Molu Kyoya Hibari x Tsuna Sawada ; Used. 500JPY ; Sales Tax: 0JPY ; Reference 3.21.

    tanpeki tan'aoi is the Japanese word for 红色和绿色. Learn how to say 红色和绿色 in Japanese. Also discover 红色和绿色 Japanese translation & common phrases ...

    tanpeki 】. noun: red and green. View. 丹前風呂 【 たんぜんぶろ tanzenburo 】. noun: famous bathhouse with prostitutes from the early Edo period. View. たんば ...

    Luvuyo Tanpeki. Chimezie Anthony yeah you throw them away to trap dogs ... Luvuyo Tanpeki I don't. It is not our ways of life. 2ヶ月前. Nsikak Paulinus.

    tanpeki tan'aoi is the Japanese word for 紅色和綠色. Learn how to say 紅色和綠色 in Japanese. Also discover 紅色和綠色 Japanese translation & common phrases ...

    丹 ( たん ) 念 ( ねん ) (tannen); 丹 ( たん ) 波 ( ば ) (Tanba); 丹 ( たん ) 碧 ( ぺき ) (tanpeki); 丹 ( たん ) 薬 ( やく ) (tan'yaku); 黄 ( おう ) 丹 ( たん ) ...

    お前はまだ「青い」 You're still green. たんぺき ( tanpeki ) 【 丹碧 】. 丹碧 Kanji. (n) red and green. へきがん ( hekigan ) 【 碧眼 】. 碧眼 Kanji. (n) ...