

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • 2024/11/6 -As a group, they emphasize mutual dependence between actors, and prefer decisions reached through persuasion rather than imposition or unilateral action.

    2024/10/24 -2. La designación unilateral de Cuba en la lista ... Aun los aliados con los Estados Unidos no simpatizan con la designación unilateral ... org. Kuba: Friedliche ...

    2024/10/1 -講演3-2-2 短時間持続性片側神経痛様頭痛発作(Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks:SUNHA)の診断と治療 菊井 祥二(富永病院 脳神経内科・頭痛 ...

    2024/9/6 -... org showing dark-pigmented lesions prolapsing ... Check out our latest featured image on BascomPalmerLearn.org ... A patient was referred for unilateral high ...

    2024/9/26 -#DefenseofJapan Part III To responses to unilateral changes to the status quo by force and such attempts, the MOD/SDF is conducting continuous intelligence, ...

    2024/9/18 -Japan needs to focus on building close relationships with the countries of the Global South. When Putin unilaterally tried to change the status quo and invaded ...

    2024/6/30 -The arrangement is reciprocal rather than unilateral. Politically, the reason why individuals agree to be governed, even though in doing so they forfeit a ...

    2024/10/23 -Individual vestibular rehabilitation by a physical therapist for 40 minutes once during the hospitalization period. 介入2/Interventions/Control_2. 日本語 従来 ...

    2024/7/23 -org/committees/global-pain-council/ を参照)。 ... on symmetry indices in dogs with unilateral or bilateral stifle osteoarthritis from long-term medically managed ...

    2024/4/19 -Vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI) is a brief episode of reversible neurological deficits caused by transient ischemia of the brainstem due to impairment ...