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片仮名; 五十音図: ア行 段; 字源: 「伊」の偏 · 平仮名:い · ローマ字:i; 「ェ」とともに、英語等における「y」音を音写する際に子音字的に用いられる。

Its equivalent in hiragana is い (i). It is the second syllable in the gojūon order; its position is ア行段 (a-gyō i-dan, “row a, section i”).

い、は、日本語の音節の1つであり、仮名の1つである。1モーラを形成する。五十音図において第1行第2段(あ行い段)に位置する。現代仮名遣いでは第8行第2段(や行い段) ...

I (い in hiragana or in katakana) is one of the Japanese kana each of which represents one mora. い is based on the sōsho style of the kanji character 以 ...

Definition of ... (n) 1st in a sequence denoted by the iroha system; 1st note in the diatonic scale (used in key names, etc.).

(i) – Katakana. Pronunciation – Pronounced as the Japanese 'i'. Sounds closest to an English 'ea' as in 'pea'. Say it aloud after you hear the audio.

(n) 1st in a sequence denoted by the iroha system; 1st note in the diatonic scale (used in key names, etc.); : 藺 【い; 】 ; (n) (uk) soft rush (Juncus ...

in katakana (romanised as i) is one of the Japanese kana each of which represents one mora. い is based on the sōsho style of the kanji character 以, ...

Japanese dictionary search results for "い" #kanji.

ブルーダイヤモンドは、要素ホウ素()を含んでいます。 Blue diamonds contain the element boron (B) ...