
「私も被害者である」という意味で「私も」を意味する英語にハッシュタグ(#)を付している。「Me Too」「#metoo」なども用いられる。欧米では、被害を告発する#MeToo運動 ...

As a global, and survivor-led, movement against sexual violence, we are dedicated to creating pathways for healing, justice, action and leadership. If your life ...

History & Inception-Get Help-Research & Literature-Organizations in Action

#MeToo is a social movement and awareness campaign against sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and rape culture, in which people publicize their experiences of ...

Tarana Burke-MeTwo movement-Me Too! (British TV series)-HimToo movement

The 'me too.' movement was founded in 2006 by Tarana Burke to support survivors of sexual violence, particularly young women of color from low-wealth ...

2024/3/13 -Me Too movement, awareness movement around the issue of sexual harassment and sexual abuse of women in the workplace that grew to prominence ...

Survivor and activist Tarana Burke founded the metoo movement to help survivors of sexual violence heal. Learn more about how metoo woke up the world.

The #MeToo movement has made obvious that sexual harassment is a universal phenomenon that occurs in private and public spaces, and in formal and informal ...

2022/9/29 -Five years after the “MeToo” hashtag went viral, about half of Americans who have heard of the movement express support for it, ...

2023/11/16 -Though there is much more work to be done, the #MeToo movement has helped create some progress in terms of accountability for sexual harassment ...

#MeToo - Vox

  1. https://www.vox.com
  2. metoo
  1. https://www.vox.com
  2. metoo

Founded by Tarana Burke more than a decade ago, #MeToo came to new prominence in October 2017, after dozens of women came forward with allegations of sexual ...


#MeToo(ミートゥー)は、セクハラや性的暴行などの性犯罪被害の体験を告白・共有する際にSNSで使用されるハッシュタグである。 「私も被害者である」という意味で「私も」を意味する英語にハッシュタグ(#)を付している。「Me Too」「#metoo」なども用いられる。欧米では、被…-Wikipedia