
The “Akai Ryu” (translates to Red Dragon from Japanese) variety is one of the strongest growing red varieties out there. We highly recommend it for ...

Isshin Ryu is a form of Okinawan karate created by Tatsuo Shimabuku. The method combines Goju-ryu karate, kobudo and Shorin-ryu karate styles.

"Ichi Ryu" translates as one stream and the way through which all divided streams can join together as one. The art of TSIR teaches the use of peaceful ...

"Ryu" translates as style or system. Literally, it means "river," which conveys the image that an art is a living, flowing thing. ​. Matsubayashi was derived ...

History of Gosoku Ryu

  1. https://www.ikaalaska.com
  2. history-of-gosoku-ryu
  1. https://www.ikaalaska.com
  2. history-of-gosoku-ryu

The style Gosoku Ryu translates to 'Go' meaning hard & 'Soku' meaning fast. ... In addition to teaching his very aggressive style of Gosoku ryu karate, Soke ...


  1. https://shorinryuindia.com
  2. wmka-
  3. -srkdi
  1. https://shorinryuindia.com
  2. wmka-
  3. -srkdi

Ryu” translates as style or system. Literally, it means “river,” which conveys the image that an art is a living, flowing thing. Nagamine Sensei's most ...

Danzan-Ryu translates to Cedar Mountain School or Hawaiian Island System. Kodenkan translates to The School of Ancient Tradition or The School in which ...

The name Satori Ryu translates into "The School of Understanding" or "Path to understanding" and is a dynamic art composed of Kenpo, Shotokan and various forms ...

... Ryu" translates to "Willow Heart School," symbolizing the flexibility and resilience inherent in its techniques. The school emphasizes ...

YouTube-Ninja Training TV

2009/4/28 -Oviously Ryu translates to dragon, but I can't find out for the life of me what Hayabusa traslates to - and i'm in f***ing Japanese class!