

noun the act or process of repairing, renewing, or restoring to good condition: The project will include interior and exterior renovation and rehabilitation.

Meaning of renovation in English ... the act or process of repairing and improving something, especially a building: The museum is closed for renovation.

6日前 -1. to restore to a former better state (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding) 2. to restore to life, vigor, or activity : revive

Renovation is the act of renewing or restoring something. If your kitchen is undergoing a renovation, there's probably plaster and paint all over the place ...

Renovation (also called remodeling) is the process of improving broken, damaged, or outdated structures. Renovations are typically done on either commercial ...

In Renovation, we prove change doesn't have to be scary. Nail your next remodel with ideas and advice from renovators who've been there, done that.

2024/2/25 -Renovating your home involves making cosmetic changes to enhance the appearance of your home without altering its structure; remodeling focuses ...

Renovation refers to making updates or improvements to an existing structure while maintaining its original form and character.

2024/8/9 -Renovation refers to the process of making changes or improvements to a property. It can range from painting and wallpapering to gutting and ...

Synonyms for RENOVATION: remodeling, refurbishment, rehabilitation, restoration, reclamation, reconstruction, facelift, rehab, re-creation, recuperation.


リフォームとは、居住の改築や改装のことで、特に内外装の改装を指す和製英語。 英語の reform は「改心する、改正する」もしくは広く「作り直す」の意であり、日本語の「住宅リフォーム」に相当する語は renovation(リノベーション)、refurbish である。また、建築業…-Wikipedia