


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • HIV感染症とは、ヒト免疫不全ウイルス(HIV)に感染している状態を指します。HIVに感染すると免疫力が徐々に低下し、さまざまな病気にかかりやすくなります。 HIVと進行性HIV疾患(AIDS<エイズ>:後天性免疫不全症候群)*は同語として扱われることがありますが、これらは異なるものです。進...続きを見る

    • 初診に適した科:感染症内科

    2024/2/9 -HIV can cause neurological symptoms such as confusion, forgetfulness, depression, anxiety and difficulty walking. HIV -associated neurological conditions can ...

    2023/7/13 -HIV can be transmitted via the exchange of a variety of body fluids from people living with HIV, such as blood, breast milk, semen and vaginal secretions. HIV ...

    Global HIV Programme-HIV treatment & care-HIV testing services

    2024/3/5 -What are the symptoms of HIV? · Fever · Chills · Rash · Night sweats (heavy sweating during sleep) · Muscle aches · Sore throat · Fatigue · Swollen lymph nodes ...

    HIV and Children - HIVinfo

    1. https://hivinfo.nih.gov
    2. fact-sheets
    3. hiv-and-children
    1. https://hivinfo.nih.gov
    2. fact-sheets
    3. hiv-and-children

    2024/2/5 -Several factors affect HIV treatment in children including growth and development. This site includes HIV treatment tips specific to children and ...

    2024/4/19 -Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an infection that attacks the body's immune system, specifically the white blood cells called CD4 cells.

    HIV and AIDS-HIV Drug Resistance-HIV data and statistics-Key populations

    2023/9/27 -HIV is a viral infection that reduces the effectiveness of the immune system. Due to advances in treatment, a person with access to quality healthcare and who ...

    2023/12/7 -In 2021, there were 32,100 estimated new HIV infections in the U.S. and the rate was 11.5 (per 100,000 people). Estimated new HIV infections declined 12% from ...

    2023/12/21 -HIV is spread primarily by unprotected sex (including anal and vaginal sex), contaminated hypodermic needles or blood transfusions, and from mother to child ...

    Misconceptions about HIV...-HIV superinfection-Management of HIV/AIDS

    2023/7/25 -The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes HIV infection. If untreated, HIV may cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), ...

    2023/6/21 -In 2021, 36,136 peoplea received an HIV diagnosis in the United States (US) and dependent areas.b From 2017 to 2021, HIV diagnoses decreased 7% overall in ...

    HIV/AIDS-Knowledge of Status-PrEP Coverage