

  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • 14時間前 -Photo by Senator Maria Cantwell on May 03, 2024. May be an image of.

    2日前 -U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. Executive Session. May 1, 2024. Opening Remarks. Today, the ...

    2日前 -Their efforts are the best chance at the federal level to give consumers rights over the use of their personal data and limit what companies can collect...

    8時間前 -Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA), left, speaks at the Technology Alliance State of Technology annual luncheon in Seattle on May 3, 2024, with Ali Farhadi, CEO.

    Senate Transportation Committee Chair Maria Cantwell (D-WA) spoke about a bipartisan bill to reauthorize Federal Aviation Administration programs for five ...


    4日前 -Maria Cantwell American politician who was elected as a Democrat to the U.S. Senate in 2000 and began representing Washington the following year.

    14時間前 -For generations, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have contributed to our cultural vibrancy, our economy, and our way of life.

    3日前 -“The FAA Reauthorization bill does all those things. It provides the direction, it provides the resources, it helps us build that aviation workforce, and it ...

    5日前 -Miami University of Ohio, B.A.. Residence. Edmonds, WA. Political Affiliation. Democratic. Marital Status. Single. Country of Citizenship. United States. Age.

    5日前 -I enjoyed meeting with Regeneron Science Talent Search finalist Saraswathy Amjith, a senior at Redmond's Tesla STEM High. Saraswathy developed a new...

    A.上院の外交関連委員会の証人喚問で、Maria Cantwell上院議員は必死になって世間をミス・リードする誤った証言を行った 退役軍人の国際結婚・恋愛を破壊する議会 我々が目を離した隙に、議会...


    A.皮肉なことに、最大手の国際結婚紹介業者は、怪しげな理由でIMBRAの適用を免除されている。Maria Cantwell上院議員は、2004年7月14日の上院外交関連委員会の証人喚問で、世間をミス・
