

  • 最終更新日:24時間以内
  • Please enjoy our practice and teaching from Upaya Zen Center, a Buddhist residential contemplative community in Santa Fe, New Mexico which offers daily Zen ...

    YouTube-Upaya Zen Center

    8時間前 -(in Zen Buddhism) deep meditation undertaken whilst sitting upright with legs crossed.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

    9月28日(土)・29日(日) に長野・アルプス公園にて開催される野外音楽フェス『りんご音楽祭2024』の出演アーティスト第2弾が発表された。今回のアナウンスでは、今年りんご音楽祭初出演となる安藤裕子、小山田壮平(b...


    9月28、29日に長野・松本市アルプス公園で行われるフェス「りんご音楽祭2024」の出演アーティスト第2弾が発表された。今回追加されたのは荒谷翔大、安藤裕子、小山田壮平、奇妙礼太郎、ZAZEN BOYS、TAMTAM、堀込泰行...


    19時間前 -Three 25-minute rounds of zazen with kinhin (walking meditation) between each round, ending with a brief closing ceremony.

    21時間前 -Morning zazen is a one-hour meditation period with a five-minute interval in the middle to allow for changing position, stretching, or standing.

    18時間前 -Zazen is the most important physical discipline in Zen Buddhism. The basic philosophy of Zen Buddhism is 'mind-body unity'. The idea is that by toning the ...

    ... Zazen" every Monday from 20:00~20:50 Japanese time (12:00 in Central Europe ... zazen/ Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82680384333 Passcode: xuanyoga ...

    YouTube-Zen and Zazen with Muho

    13時間前 -Monday Evening Zazen. Monday, May 6, 2024; 6:30 PM 8:00 PM ... Three 25-minute periods of zazen (seated meditation) interspersed with kinhin (walking meditation).

    20時間前 -Three 25-minute rounds of zazen with kinhin (walking meditation) between each round, concluding with a brief closing ceremony. This is an in-person event ...

    8時間前 -In-person practice takes place on alternate Saturdays, when we host a half day of meditation on the Livingston Campus of Rutgers-New Brunswick. Please see “ ...

    16時間前 -Zazen begins at 7 a.m. and continues until 7:40 a.m. Before the meeting closes, there will be a few minutes available for informal discussion and check-in.




    ZAZEN BOYSは、日本のロックバンド。所属レーベルはメンバーの向井が立ち上げたMATSURI STUDIO。-Wikipedia


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