

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/8/1 -お知らせ の記事 株式会社アクションプラン 目標に向かって行動する中小企業を応援します.

    2024/8/19 -2024年10月03日(木)に羽曳野市商工会でChatGPT活用セミナーの講師として登壇します。ビジネスのデジタル化において、ChatGPTは今や欠かせないツールとなっています。

    2023/12/17 -Ensure equal participation of women in all stages in the field of peace and security with the aim of achieving gender mainstreaming in this field.

    2024/2/1 -An Action Plan from Japan Remotely is a customized document that acts as your personal roadmap for living in Japan while working remotely.

    2024/7/3 -Under the plan, Japan will promote the research and development of vaccines prior to an outbreak and take powerful steps such as declaring a state of emergency ...

    2023/12/6 -This report examines the feasibility of Japan not only achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, but also making significant reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) ...

    2024/6/5 -Japan and Italy are in final stages of talks to launch an action plan to boost their cooperation in seven areas such as diplomacy, defense and economic ...

    2024/6/14 -Japan, which held the G7 Presidency in 2023, and Italy, which assumed the G7 Presidency in 2024, will further strengthen their relationship going forward, ...

    2024/6/3 -PPP/PFI推進アクションプラン(令和6年改定版)について · 分野横断型・広域型PPP/PFIの形成促進 · 民間事業者の努力や創意工夫により適正な利益を得られる環境の構築の推進.

    2024/7/23 -It aims to act as a road map for amphibian conservation at the global level, and is used as such by the ASG, the Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA), Amphibian ...