

The best way to attend a trade show as an inventor is to register as a trade guest (or designer) and to walk the exhibitions. Sign up for the exhibits only, ...

2022/9/16 -Use a professional draftsperson who specializes in patent drawings. Make sure that they only draw patent drawings. Also, remember that they are ...

This is a guide to writing your own patent application. https://ocpatentlawyer.com/how-to-write-a-great-patent-application/ Link to ...

YouTube-OC Patent Lawyer

Second: Get your own web page here on this site by filling out the form below, so you can show your invention to companies when you contact them. 3. Third ...

Professional drawings can also be used to help develop prototypes and to show your invention to its best advantage. Our questionnaire is fast and easy. Call ...

Drawings or figures necessary to show your invention; A payment of the filing fee (currently $125 for most inventors. There are two methods for filing ...

In order to file a valid patent application, you must show your invention meets five requirements: Patentability – Your invention must be a product, process ...

Learn how *understand the licensing process *determine your ownership rights *work with agents effectively *find potential licensors *show your invention ...

2021/2/8 -STEP 7 Finally show your invention to your friends and family. Vocabulary Words. INVENTION: The first time something has been built ...

You want to show your invention to potential manufacturers distributors. But how can you do so without risking your intellectual property? Royalties and ...