

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • 2024/7/17 -relating to or caused by a person's work or activity: Occupational training is absolutely essential.

    Well, An occupational therapist is a practitioner who specifically supports people who need help to carry out their daily tasks. This role of an OT directly ...

    Occupational means relating to a person's job or profession. Some received substantial occupational assistance in the form of low-interest loans.

    occupational 【形】 職業の、職業的な 占領の【発音】ɔ̀kjupéiʃənəl【カナ】オキュペイシャノル - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。

    OCCUPATIONAL - 定義, OCCUPATIONAL の発音音声とその他: 1. relating to a job or profession 2. a problem resulting from doing a particular job: Cambridge 英語- ...

    職業的な. of or relating to the activity or business for which you are trained. 訓練を受けた活動や職務の、または、訓練を受けた活動や職務に関する。

    Occupational therapists communicate with various people who are struggling due to physical or emotional slumps, and support them to live the way they ought ...

    Willard and Spackman must have been very good therapists; their text is a staple of OT education. The text is broad and thorough without being enormous, ...

    This course produces professionals who have the practical ability to answer the ever-growing needs for occupational therapist in hospitals, ...


    作業療法(さぎょうりょうほう、Occupational therapy)とは、人々の健康と幸福を促進するために、医療、保健、福祉、教育、職業などの領域で行われる、作業に焦点を当てた治療、指導、援助である。-Wikipedia