

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • Put the words in parentheses into abbreviated form. カッコ内の言葉を短縮形にしなさい。 - Tanaka Corpus.

    2022/5/5 -As other people have mentioned, Japanese parenthesis are used for a variety of meanings, but are often similar to English usage. One notable ...

    〔文字{もじ}・言葉{ことば}を〕丸括弧{まるかっこ}に入れて[ではさんで]、挿入的{そうにゅう てき}に・Slot number are in parentheses.

    2024/7/17 -PARENTHESES 意味, 定義, PARENTHESES は何か: 1. plural of parenthesis 2. plural of parenthesis . もっと見る.

    Parenthesis can be simply explained as extra information that is added to a sentence and surrounded by a pair of punctuation marks (parentheses). It ...

    Parentheses are a pair of curved marks that you put around words or numbers to indicate that they are additional, separate, or less important. (This sentence is ...

    2024/7/17 -If, while you are talking, you say something in parenthesis, you say it as something extra and then continue with the main part of the sentence:.

    2018/12/7 -1 Answer 1 ... The brackets used in the text are full-width brackets. Specifically, U+FF08 FULLWIDTH LEFT PARENTHESIS, and U+FF09 FULLWIDTH RIGHT ...

    2018/2/26 -@Hyperglyph It's used to indicate the word right before it may not be the correct word. In the example above, the writer was not certain if the ...

    The parentheses in both ㈱ and (株) mean that 株式会社 (which is part of a legally registered company name and indicates the company's legal status) has been ...