

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • the special combination of qualities in a person that makes that person different from others, as shown by the way the person behaves, feels, and thinks:.

    personality」の意味・翻訳・日本語 - 個性、性格、強烈な個性、魅力、強烈な個性の持ち主、(エンターテインメント・スポーツなどで世間に知られている)有名人、 ...

    Theoretical position in personality psychology that states that situations, rather than the person's traits, determine behavior.

    This book explores the roots of the dilemma of behavioural consistency, and reviews the solutions that have reinvigorated the field over the past two decades.

    This book is essential to any psychology student & even those interested in how advertising works or motivation in general. It was an easy read, with short ...

    Blue* There are discussions about personality changing (Active-Passive, Cold-Warm, etc.) at GameFaqs.com if you need more information.

    コーパスの例personality• Most are Type A personalities, very outgoing, although a few are very shy and express themselves through their cars.• The disease ...

    Japanese dictionary search results for personality.

    名. 〔ある人の全体{ぜんたい}を表す〕人柄{ひとがら}、人となり、性格{せいかく}、人格{じんかく}; 〔その人を目立{めだ}たせている〕個性{こせい}、 ...

    2023/7/24 -Visual Personality Test: Discover Your Hidden Strengths And Weaknesses. In this visual personality test, whether you see a lion, gorilla, a tree ...


    人格(じんかく)は、個人の心理面での特性。人柄。または人間の人としての主体。 日本では当初哲学的な概念として輸入され、明治時代に井上哲次郎が英語のPersonality/Person、ドイツ語のPersönlichkeit/Personに相当する漢語として造語したものである。発達…-Wikipedia