

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • ・Re-cover with wax paper and microwave on HIGH 4 minutes. : パラフィン紙で覆{おお}って、電子{でんし}レンジに強で4分かけます。

    recover verb [I or T] (RETRIEVE). B1. to get back something lost or spent: She went into a coma and died without recovering consciousness.

    【動詞】 · 1. 病気かショックから立ち直る(get over an illness or shock) · 2. · 3. · 4. · 5. 得るまたは見直す(get or find back) · 6. 再び手にする、または取り戻す( ...

    ロングマンビジネス辞典よりrecoverre‧cov‧er /rɪˈkʌvə-ər/ verb1[intransitive] to increase or improve after falling in value or getting worseIts shares plunged at ...

    Recover (リカバー, Rikabaa) is a traditional spell that cures physical ailments. In recent games in the Tales series, it is one of the first support spells ...

    Easiest way to Mount an accessory to your Legacy Pistol. The CC3H Grip and Rail System for the full sized 1911 installs in under 3 minutes and is far and away ...

    回復する,復興する,治る,取り戻す. 〖S recover〗 [主語]が回復する. He recovered little by little. 彼は少しずつ回復した。

    RECOVER の発音。RECOVER を英語でどう言うかを音声で聞く- Cambridge University Press.

    This is a web-based training course for veterinarians and veterinary nurses. RECOVER WEB受付 ...

    Recover Tactical SHR9 Picatinny Rail Adapter designed for the Smith and Wesson Shield 9mm and SW40 - easy installation, no modifications required to your ...