

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • transport verb [T] (GOODS/PEOPLE). B2. to take goods or people from one place to another:.

    How to say transport in Japanese ; Hansō carry ; 移送 noun ; Isō transfer, removal ; 運搬 noun ; Unpan transportation, carriage, haulage.

    他動. 〔物を〕運ぶ、輸送{ゆそう}する・The machine may only be transported or moved as described in Section 5. : 機械{きかい}の輸送{ゆそう}および ...

    The mission for the convicts, nine men and one woman, is to transport to various unknown planets by means of an alien device found at the bottom of the ocean.

    transport · transport · process or business of moving goods from one place to another by rail, air, ship etcOne of the biggest growth areas was transport, with ...

    Translation for 'transportation' in the free English-Japanese dictionary and many other Japanese translations.

    日本へのお届けものには国際宅急便! 商品、ネットオークション品、個人のお客様の お荷物にもご利用頂けます。

    【名詞】 · 1. ある場所から別の場所へ何かを運ぶ行為(the act of moving something from one location to another) · 2. · 3. · 4.

    Public transport-Air Transport-Transportation-Transported

    Redefining transportation, one mile at a time. At Amazon, our customers place orders from around the world. At Amazon Transportation Services (ATS), we identify ...

    Shuttles, Taxis, Buses, Transfers & Limousines, anytime and everywhere. Reliable and cheap airport transfer is one click away from you.

