

This is a detailed article about green tea and its health benefits. Green tea is high in antioxidants that can improve the function of your body and brain.

Extract-Diabetes-L-Theanine-EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate)

Some research suggests green tea may positively affect weight loss, liver disorders, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and more. However, more evidence is ...

Green tea as a beverage or dietary supplement is promoted for improving mental alertness, relieving digestive symptoms and headaches, and promoting weight loss.

A.他動詞 load 由来の形容詞 loaded で SVC ということで良いのでは. S; Green tea V; is C; loaded <with powerful antiox...

A.この ”違和感しかない” 部分の【that】は、 ”文法的” には【連鎖関係代名詞】と呼ばれています。 この部分の成り立ちを見て行きますと、 A文:,which results in higher

2023/7/26 -Studies show green tea may have anti-inflammatory and anticancer benefits that may help you have healthier skin. Their findings suggest skin ...

The health benefits of green tea for a wide variety of ailments, including different types of cancer, heart disease, and liver disease, were reported.

2023/8/28 -Green tea is a source of antioxidants and caffeine. Read on to learn about green tea's benefits, risks, and how to consume it.

Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process which is ...

Green tea is made from the Camellia sinensis plant. Its dried leaves and leaf buds are used to make several different teas, including black and oolong teas.

"JAPANESE GREENTEA HIBIKI-AN | Genuine Japanese tea shipped worldwide from Uji in Kyoto. Shipping Wholesale Open the menu.

Organic Green Tea-How to Enjoy Green Tea-Four Seasons of Green Tea-Matcha

Chemicals in green tea may help treat genital warts, treat dermatologic conditions, and prevent symptoms of colds and flu. Green tea may play a role in ...




  • エネルギー4.0 kJ
  • 炭水化物0.0 g
  • 脂肪0.0 g
  • タンパク質0.2 g
  • ビタミンB10.007 mg
  • ビタミンB20.06 mg
  • ナイアシン(ビタミンB3)0.03 mg
  • ビタミンB60.005 mg
  • ビタミンC0.3 mg
  • ナトリウム1.0 mg
  • カリウム8.0 mg
  • カルシウム0.0 mg
  • マグネシウム1.0 mg
  • 0.02 mg
  • マンガン0.18 mg
  • 水分99.9 g
  • カフェイン12.0 mg