

レーベンスボルン(ドイツ語: Lebensborn)は、ナチ親衛隊(SS)がドイツ民族の人口増加と「純血性」の確保を目的として設立した女性福祉施設。一般的に「生命の泉」 ...

Lebensborn was established by Heinrich Himmler, and provided welfare to its mostly unmarried mothers, encouraged anonymous births by unmarried women at their ...

My Child Lebensborn-Kidnapping of children by Nazi...-Mother's Cross of Honour

2020/9/29 -The Lebensborn program was designed by the SS to increase Germany's declining birthrate. It was originally intended to provide pregnant “Aryan” ...

Lebensborn” translates to “wellspring of life” or “fountain or life.” The Lebensborn project was one of most secret and terrifying Nazi projects.

Lebensborn means "spring of life". The "Lebensborn" project was one of most secret and terrifying Nazi projects. Heinrich Himmler created The "Lebensborn" ...

During World War II, many Polish children were stolen from their families by the Nazis as part of "Lebensborn" - the programme to create racially pure ...

December 1935. The Lebensborn program is created at the direction of Heinrich Himmler in order to combat Germany's falling birth rate.

Lebensborn provided welfare to these mostly unmarried mothers, encouraged anonymous births by unmarried women at their maternity homes, and mediated adoption of ...

2021/8/14 -The first Lebensborn home – a very well-equipped maternity and children's home – was opened in Steinhöring, Bavaria, on August 15, 1936. Around ...

Polygon: "My Child Lebensborn tells a disturbing tale about innocents in the aftermath of WW2”. LevelUp: “The strongest game experience that I have ever had ...

