

Place lingonberries in saucepan. Add water. Cover saucepan tightly and bring to boiling point. Cook slowly 15 minutes. Remove from heat. Add ...

Notes. edit. ^ Swedish: lingonsylt, Norwegian: tyttebærsyltetøy, Danish: tyttebærsyltetøj, Estonian: pohlamoos, Finnish: puolukkahillo, German ...

Klassisk lingonsylt går snabbt att göra och är ett måste till både köttbullar och havregrynsgröt. Koka ihop lingonen med socker och häll upp på rengjorda ...

A 14.1 ounce jar of lingonberry preserves from the Hafi Company. Serve with meatballs, pork or chicken dinners or as a condiment with any meal. Price: $9.95.

100 g of jam contains 42 g of lingonberries and 30 % less sugar than regular lingonberry jam. Nutritional value per 100 g: Energy: 500 kJ /120 kcal, Fat: 0 g - ...

Felix Lingonsylt is a classic Swedish lingonberry jam, made from wild berries. Try it with meatballs or on top of porridge. Made with wild lingonberries, ...

2011/8/26 -Lingonberry jam is not exactly sweet so it's eaten a lot with meat, and almost in all cases with potatoes. It is a little like the cranberry.

Garant Lingonsylt - 750G ; Sweden · Yes · Ingredients: lingonberry, sugar, water, thickener (pectin), preservative (E202). Bäder amount 50g lingonber per 100g.

2020/6/10 -Felix Lingonsylt is a classic Swedish lingonberry jam, made from wild berries. Try it with meatballs or on top of porridge.

Hafi Lingonsylt/ Lingonberry preserves 3.3 pounds/1.5 kg. The smart way to buy when you are a lover of lingonberries.


リンゴンベリー・ジャムとは、コケモモから作られるスカンジナビア料理の定番食品である。 コケモモは北ヨーロッパ内陸の森林地帯に豊...-Wikipedia