


  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • 5日前 -Benign mesothelial proliferation, simple or atypical, primarily occurs as a result of infection, collagen vascular disease, pulmonary infarct, drug reaction, ...

    2024/8/21 -A paratubal cyst, also known as a paraovarian cyst or hydatid cyst of Morgagni, is a fluid-filled mass that occurs near the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

    5日前 -Adenomatoid tumors of the uterus (ATU) are rare, benign lesions of mesothelial origin that most commonly occur in the genital tract at a rate of 0.12–1.2 ...

    5日前 -Round ligament varicosities are dilated and tortuous veins in the round ligament, these are rare although most commonly seen during pregnancy and the ...

    2024/8/14 -Tubal mesosalpinx cysts combined with adnexal torsion are rare causes of acute lower abdominal pain. Early diagnosis and timely surgery are necessary.

    2024/8/19 -PLEUROPERICARDIAL and pleurocoelomic are synonymous terms applied to a thin-walled cystic structure, typically lying on or near the diaphragm in the right.

    2024/8/15 -A canal of Nuck cyst is a rare surgical condition in females and is usually detected and repaired in young girls more frequently during the first 5 years of ...

    5日前 -Endometriosis is a common condition associated with infertility that causes chronic pain in many, but not all, women.

    2024/8/17 -Folliculin haploinsufficiency causes cellular dysfunction of pleural mesothelial cells. Quantitative genetic screening reveals a Ragulator-FLCN feedback ...

    6日前 -Data indicate that mesothelial cells are an important source of MUC16 in the context of ovarian cancer and malignant ascites are a strong modulators of MUC16 ...