


Seymour Duncan Model Uncovered 4C Humbucker Neck SH-1nの画像



For nearly four decades, the legendary JB Model (SH-4, TB-4) has been the ultimate hot-rodded humbucker. A truly modern classic.

The ultimate Hot Rodded humbucker pickups, the JB (SH-4) and Jazz Models (SH-2) make for a versatile combination that will breathe life into any guitar.


The archetype hot-rodded humbucker for over 30 years, the JB Model SH-4 is great for everything from heavy blues to heavy metal. As the world's most popular ...

Powerful and Versatile - Time-tested hot-rodded bridge humbucker for any style - from blues to thrash; delivers full lows, crisp highs, and singing upper- ...

The low end is full and powerful, the highs are crisp and detailed and there's an upper-midrange bump that adds crunch and chunk to heavy chords but translates ...

The pickup has a really good chunky tone and is incredible for cleans and distortion as well. It's their overall favorite pickup for tone, attack, and gain.

The archetype hot-rodded humbucker for over 30 years. Great for everything from heavy blues to heavy metal. The world's most popular humbucker. Provides slammin ...

Seymour Duncan SH-4 JB Model Versatile High Output Humbucker; JB Model™ - 7-string bridge model; Black bobbin; A great bridge pickup for Blues, country, ...

The low end is full and powerful, the highs are crisp and detailed and there's an upper-midrange bump that adds crunch and chunk to heavy chords but translates ...

The low end is full and powerful, the highs are crisp and detailed and there's an upper-midrange bump that adds crunch and chunk to heavy chords but translates ...