


  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 2024/8/7 -The general form of an rpm install command is rpm {-i|--install} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ... This installs a new package.

    2024/7/4 -Learn how to install RPM packages in CentOS and RHEL Linux systems. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for managing software using the RPM ...

    2024/8/7 -When user specify packages with rpm command that may need dependency package(s), user need to add dependency packages to the updating rpm command.

    2024/7/13 -Create an RPM package for RedHat-based Linux distributions for your Electron app, using Electron Forge. The RPM target builds .rpm files.

    2024/7/29 -The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a command-line utility that lets you build, install, query, verify, update, and erase individual software packages.

    2024/6/5 -The 'rpm' package provides the tools needed to directly handle RPM packages on your Ubuntu system. Step 1: Download the RPM Package: Firstly, obtain the RPM ...

    A.一番はインターネットにつながるRHEL7(同じバージョン)でdnf downloadでrpmファイルをダウンロードだけしてインストール対象のRHEL7に持ってきてインストールするのが良いと思い...

    A.これは、依存するパッケージが不足しているというエラーです。 ちょっと、依存関係で難しくなるので、 rpm で直接やらないで、 yum install cifs-utils で、 cifs-u...

    A.エラーメッセージぐらい読んでから質問しましょう。 せっかくコンピュータが新説に情報をくれているのに、読まないで人に聞くのはなんとももったいないと思いませんか? error:Failed dep...

    2024/6/11 -System administrators use the rpm (Red Hat Package Manager) command-line utility for Unix/Linux package management. Specifically, the rpm command ...

    2024/6/12 -This document provides examples of common RPM installation failures. You can use these examples to help identify and resolve issues that you may encounter when ...

    2024/7/20 -I've grabbed the source RPM for a particular Red Hat package, manually installed the necessary dependencies (usually because the rpmbuild of the *.spec file ...

    2024/6/26 -rpm is a powerful Package Manager, which can be used to build, install, query, verify, update, and erase individual software packages. A package consists of an ...