


  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • 2024/8/21 -The Bonferroni test is a statistical comparison test that involves checking multiple tests limiting the chance of failure. It is otherwise known as the ...

    2024/8/22 -The Bonferroni inequality, also known as Boole's inequality, states that P( union _(i=1)^nE_i)<=sum_(i=1)^nP(E_i), where union denotes the union.

    1日前 -The Bonferroni adjustment is a widely used method for controlling the family-wise error rate in multiple hypothesis testing. It is essential for researchers ...

    2024/8/23 -P-values adjusted for multiple hypothesis testing to limit FDR. Examples using mne.stats.bonferroni_correction #. Statistical inference.

    2024/8/12 -In this paper, I introduce the harmonic mean p-value (HMP), a simple to use and widely applicable alternative to Bonferroni correction motivated by Bayesian ...

    1日前 -Understanding the Bonferroni Correction · The Bonferroni correction involves dividing the nominal significance level (α) by the number of tests (K) conducted.

    2024/8/28 -The Bonferroni aggregation operator—a statistical aggregative tool that regulates the likelihood of many types in error in statistical tests and the ...

    2024/8/14 -Bonferroni-based polarization index is indeed more sensitive to income transfers occurring among poorer individuals, while De Vergottini-based polarization ...

    ANOVA, One-Way ANOVA, ICC, and Bonferroni Comparison in Stata: Complete Guide: Part-8 Data Source: ...

    YouTube-Ahshanul Statistician

    4日前 -Question: Bonferroni's inequality.(a) Prove thatP(A∩B)≥P(A)+P(B)-1(b) Suppose that A1,dots,Ak are events each with probability 1-α (where α is a small value ...