


  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • 2024/5/16 -Bonferroni Inequalities ... , then the inequality becomes an equality. A beautiful theorem that expresses the exact relationship between the probability of unions ...

    2024/5/1 -So I currently am comparing 6 different groups within the same dataset. I found no significant results after the Bonferroni-Holm correction for…

    3日前 -Question: Bonferroni Corrections is one example of a way to address multiple comparisons [1]. In order to avoid a lot of spurious positives, the threshold ...

    2日前 -Anyone have a good citation for why bonferroni correction is unnecessary when hypotheses and analyses are pre registered and all effects are reported?

    2024/5/13 -The Bonferroni procedure maintains parity between experiment-wise and comparison-wise error rates by controlling the family-wise error rate, ensuring overall ...

    2024/5/3 -... (Bonferroni correction, Holm-Bonferroni testing). The technique was developed in South Africa in 1975 and was published in 1980 by Gordon V. Kass, who had ...

    2024/4/27 -A Bonferroni Correction refers to the process of adjusting the alpha (α) level for a family of statistical tests so that we control for the probability of ...

    6日前 -Answer Created with AI. 23 hours ago. The Bonferroni procedure is a statistical method used to counteract the problem of multiple comparisons. It is a post ...

    2024/5/7 -#### Solution By Steps ***Step 1: Bonferroni Correction*** The Bonferroni correction adjusts the significance level for multiple comparisons. For \( k ...

    2024/5/15 -Download scientific diagram | Bonferroni test for association of mean ABH of teeth with the type of AAF from publication: Evaluation of alveolar bone ...