


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/4/2 -The CentOS Project. Community-driven free software effort focused around the goal of providing a rich base platform for open source communities to build upon.

    2023/9/11 -CentOS welcomes new mirror sites. If you are considering setting up a public mirror site for CentOS please follow these guidelines to make sure that your ...

    2024/2/15 -CentOS on the Web: CentOS.org | Mailing Lists | Mirror List | IRC | Forums | Bugs | Donate. Index of / ../ centos/ 15-Feb-2024 09:48 -

    2024/4/16 -Go the following url and search for clang. http://mirror.rackspeed.de/centos/8-stream/AppStream/x86_64/os/Packages. You will see "clang- ...

    2024/2/7 -This directory tree contains current CentOS Linux and Stream releases. (7 and 8-stream) For CentOS Stream 9 (including src.rpm and debuginfo packages), ...

    2023/11/13 -Once you have removed the cache file you will want to again run yum and let is grab a new set of mirrors and select the fastest one for you.

    2024/1/30 -Enable snaps on CentOS and install alfacast screen mirror. Snaps are applications packaged with all their dependencies to run on all popular Linux distributions ...

    2024/1/17 -The CentOS repository mirror URL is updated to vault.centos.org from mirror.centos.org . You must update it in all Yum repository files located at /etc/yum.

    2024/2/27 -mirrorlist=http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=$stream&arch=$basearch&repo=extras-extras-common&cc=de. #baseurl=http://mirror.centos.org/$contentdir/$stream/ ...

    2023/11/7 -OMG. https://vault.centos.org/8-stream/BaseOS/ I see only sources :/ Last change: 2023-10-30 edit: pulled out this mirror list…

    A.私もまさしく同じ問題に直面していました。 VMPlayerに、CentOS5.7-64bitをセットアップする必要があり、 CentOS-5.7-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso ...
