
鉄や布といった素材はNPCショップ売りでオッケー。 完成品は委託の相場を見て自己判断。 ユニーク武器製造に使う素材は、即NPCショップ売りでいい。 アイコン, 名前 ...

Shops are NPCs or areas in SkyBlock which sell items for a fixed price to the player. Most NPC shops have a daily buy limit of 640 items, which resets at 12 ...

2024/4/15 -Lords of the Fallen NCPs Guide: Complete list of all NPCs, NPC Locations, Related Quests, and Lore Details for LOTF.

An NPC in a shop where you can buy Furniture. SkyBlock sprite npcs arthur.png Arthur, An NPC that explains how Minions work. SkyBlock sprite npcs auction agent ...

Terry's Shop, 278, 104, -544, Selling Tier XII (12) Farming Minions. Trevor, 281, 104, -543, Quests the player to kill certain animals ...

2021/2/18 -I'm using an Imperial Cutter and loaded all of my 7 hardpoint slots with a weapon called a pack-hound. It's a missile launcher you unlock from ...

2022/10/13 -Lachlan is the Jewelry vendor in Avalon. He is located in the central area of Abbey Road. His shop is called "Rings and Amulets Vendor". Gives ...

2014/3/8 -デポジットとは何ですか? 委託ショップにおいて商品登録時にかかる保証金です。 販売者は登録時にデポジットと登録手数料を支払いますが、販売成功した ...

2023/5/4 -Hound is an NPC located in the Wyld Woods in the Rift Dimension. They talk about the Argofays and suggest acquiring Wyld Armor.

... ハウンズ. NPCスワンパーギャングとハウンズの勝利セリフ、戦闘時起床セリフ(自分の勢力)に敵うものはいない、臓器を売ってやる、腸を割いてやるなどのセリフを言い ...