

2012/12/20 -You can use the collectionView:layout:insetForSectionAtIndex: method for your UICollectionView or set the sectionInset property of the ...

They represent the distance between the header view and the first line of items and between the last line of items and the footer view. They also indicate the ...

Section insets reflect the spacing at the outer edges of the section. The margins affect the initial position of the header view, the minimum space on either ...

2021/10/2 -If you change Section Insets then there is no change between each cells's distance. Just changed distance between top, bottom, left and right of safe area.

When you're making a basic, edge-to-edge UICollectionView in interface builder, Xcode has a habit of describing it using negative margins.

2020/6/17 -Sections and items described in a compositional layout correspond 1-to-1 with the sections and items of our collection view data source. Groups, ...

Headers are always stretched to the width of the collection view, pinched with the section insets. Ex. of a section (2,0) with a header inset on the left/right.

2022/7/5 -CollectionView layout is comprised of sections, sections are comprised of groups, and groups are comprised of items and optionally other groups.

2023/10/6 -By default, a CollectionView will display its items in a vertical list. However, vertical and horizontal lists and grids can be specified.

2019/12/22 -There are two possible ways to give your collection view cells some room to breathe: Assign edge insets on the items, groups or sections. Assign ...