


  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 2024/4/3 -The xlsx2csv Converter is another handy tool for XLSX to CSV conversion on Linux. This tool is designed specifically for converting XLSX files to CSV format and ...

    2024/3/9 -NAME¶. xlsx2csv - convert spreadsheet to CSV(s). SYNOPSIS¶. xlsx2csv [ -A [ -N || -J str ] | -o file.csv ] [-f] [-i] file.xls xlsx2csv --help | --man | -- ...

    2024/4/22 -xlsx2csv”: converts the data to an in-memory CSV before using the native polars read_csv ; “calamine”: this engine can be used for reading all major types of ...

    2024/4/18 -Related is XLSX2CSV (viewvc), which uses SAX parsing for .xlsx. Run this against both your problem file, and a simple one generated by SSPerformanceTest of ...

    2024/3/25 -... xlsx2csv # optional # Arch Linux sudo pacman -S --needed bat ffmpegthumbnailer unarchiver poppler perl-image-exiftool tree \ glow imagemagick pandoc-bin ...

    2024/4/30 -Use tools like xlsx2csv for conversion if necessary. Data Mismatch: Verify that the data types in your XLSX columns match the expected types in LlamaIndex ...

    2024/5/15 -I want to read in many CSV files and convert them into one parquet file. Sometimes a column is all empty in one file, and a number in another. Even when I set ...

    2024/3/13 -xlsx2csv, C/C++, SE, 10, 476, 1440, 5, 8, 95.17. people. management. C/C++, SE, DB, 6, 540, 2043, 7, 9, 95.14. Area. Calculation. C/C++, SE, 7, 162, 307, 3, 3 ...

    2024/5/15 -... xlsx2csv python-yfinance python2 python310 qt5-websockets qutebrowser rclone redshift redshiftgui-bin reflector ripgrep rofi rofi-calc rsshub-git rsync ...

    2024/3/8 -• python2-xlsx2csv-0.7.3-1 • python2-xlsxwriter-1.0.2-1 • python2-xmltodict-0.11.0-1 • python2-xtermcolor-1.3-2 • python2-yaml-3.12-3 • python2-yapsy-1.11 ...