


  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • 3日前 -In the old days /etc/resolv.conf used to be cheap, and cheerful, put in your nameserver addresses and your domain search parms and you where done.

    3日前 -Note - No DNS configuration found in /etc/nsswitch.conf. Solution. Edit /etc/resolv.conf and add additional 'nameserver' lines until at least two are present.

    6日前 -Steps To Reproduce. I use the following DNS config: dns_config: override_local_dns: true nameservers: - restricted_nameservers: foo.bar: # ...

    3日前 -After configuring dnsmasq, you need to add the localhost addresses as the only nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf . This causes all queries to be sent to dnsmasq.

    1日前 -Note - No DNS configuration found in /etc/nsswitch.conf. Solution. Edit /etc/resolv.conf and add additional 'nameserver' lines until at least two are present.

    2日前 -conf overwrites by tailscale configured dnsmasq to point all consul domain related queries to consul servers via doesnt work anymore. Add nameserver ...

    A.VMWare の方の設定だと思います。 仮想マシンの設定を開いて、 ハードウェア ネットワークアダプタの設定が ブリッジになっていることを確かめてください。 また、アダプタの設定を開いて 実際に...

    A.おっと、騙されるところでした。 回答していないので、みんな騙されていますね。 直接の原因は、 /etc/resolv.conf です。 ×nameserver= ○name...

    3日前 -Learn how to point DNS for your domain to WP Engine automatically, or manually using CNAME flattening or A records.

    6日前 -Consider the following sections on how you can remove domains from Cloudflare. Removing your domain cancels all active subscriptions, which will not

    2日前 -A DNS name server is a server that stores the DNS records for a domain; a DNS name server responds with answers to queries against its database. The most common ...

    4日前 -No missing name servers found. All name servers returned by the parent name ... Missing reverse DNS entries will make many mail servers to reject your ...