

Features · popular · full · $1499 · perpetual · creating/editing of complex design (all areas), schematic driven layout, complex format conversions, design checks ...

Starting with version 0.15, KLayout is also an editor that allows to change GDS and OASIS files and create them from scratch. ... On Linux, gcc or clang are ...

The CAD program "Layout" allows you to create rotated and scaled arrays, but the output GDS file is wrong. Beamer does not warn you about this problem, but ...

2018/6/11 -Which platforms/operating systems are supported? There are compiled package for Windows, Mac OS X and many Linux distribution. How to install ...

The LayoutEditor is a sophisticated software to design and edit layouts for MEMS/IC fabrication. It supports GDSII, OpenAccess, OASIS, DXF, and more file ...

LayoutEditor is an extremely powerful, full-featured CAD package for layout of electronics, MEMs and other nano-scale patterns, either for making a photomask or ...

LayoutEditor is a software tool for creating designs for microfabrication, such as integrated circuits (IC) and micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). The.

Magic is used to extract the layout to a Spice deck and write CIF and GDS files. The Magic extraction is more accurate than Alliance. The CIF and GDS layout ...

View. Fast and accurate viewing of huge layout files ; Edit. Draw, modify and transform hierarchical layout ; Generate. Script layout generators, PCells and ...

Download or Build Yourself-Documentation-KLayout Project-Release Notes

High Performance Layout Viewer And Editor. Support of GDS and OASIS files. Upstream URL: https://www.klayout.de. License(s):, GPL. Maintainers: Felix Yan.