

2013/3/22 -tl;dr: The sandbox removes unnecessary privileges from the processes that don't need them in Chrome for security purposes. Disabling the sandbox ...

--no-sandbox disables one of Chrome's more important security mechanisms. This is sometimes necessary for development, for example when you want to redirect ...

2022/3/31 -A common cause for Chrome to crash during startup is running Chrome as root user ( administrator ) on Linux. While it is possible to work around ...

No Sandbox - Applications That Run Chromium and Chrome Without The Sandbox. TL;DR exploits in these browser based applications are already sandboxed ...

Running with --no-sandbox is an insecure configuration. After performing the test, you should quit Chrome and re-launch normally. If the issue still persists, ...

2023/9/30 -I finally installed Chromium on udroid (Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy), but every time I run it, I have to type chromium-browser --no-sandbox using the ...

2019/12/22 -My chrome is suddenly unavailable.Now I have to add " -no-sandbox" after the properties of the desktop shortcut and must be launched via ...

2023/6/12 -Bug expectation I'm running Chrome without sandbox in a Kubernetes environment, after much bisection I've narrowed the issue to this: .

Google allows to run Chrome as root with a flag no sandbox but this feature comes with a warning of security. Here is the tutorial to run ...


to run Chromium in normal mode (without --no-sandbox) I need to set the path before the build process. ... to /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chrome-sandbox.How do I do ...