


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/6/18 -Completed in 2021, this complex includes research institutes, commercial stores, and hotels. It is directly connected to the Keikyu Line and Tokyo Monorail ...


    • 天気:曇り曇り 26℃ (降水量0mm/h)00時の予報
    • 住所:東京都大田区羽田空港1-1-4
    • 電話:03-5544-1248
    • 最寄り駅:天空橋駅[A1]徒歩3分
    • 営業時間:

    羽田空港第3ターミナル駅のひと駅隣、京浜急行電鉄空港線・東京モノレールの天空橋駅に直結している“日本初のスマートエアポートシティ”「HANEDA INNOVATION CITY」(略称HICity)...




    2024/5/17 -The center opened in November and is easily accessible from the airport and Tenkubashi Station. Visitors will find restaurants, shops and seasonal activities to ...

    A.前者の京急EXインに泊まるなら近くにコンビニありますし、少し歩いて穴守稲荷駅の周辺まで行けばお店が多少あります。 電車に乗って天空橋駅→穴守稲荷駅→大鳥居駅となるので大鳥居駅で降りれば駅周辺にガ...

    A.普通に1からあるいは10から順番に行けば良いようになってますよ。 車で羽田まで行くなら最初に上大岡まで一気に行って1から順番に押していくか10から順番に押していって上大岡から一気に戻って来るかの...

    2023/11/16 -Haneda Innovation City, which sits on 5.9 hectares, focuses on mobility, robotics and health care, provides office space, and is also involved in other research ...

    Experience Japanese culture & cutting-edge technology here Haneda Innovation City is a massive, multifaceted complex directly connected to Tenkubashi...

    Facebook-Go Tokyo

    Haneda Innovation City is a large-scale commercial and business complex directly connected to Tenkubashi Station, which is only one stop from Haneda Airport ...

    YouTube-Backpack Around The World

    2024/3/1 -FEATURE. ホテルの特徴 · 01Good access to Haneda Airport · 02Relax in the large public bath · 03Buffet breakfast service · 04Welcome coffee and full amenities.

    2023/12/17 -The quiet venue provides a relaxing public bath and a breakfast buffet, as well as a complimentary shuttle bus to all three Haneda Airport terminals for guests ...

    2023/12/2 -Innovation City is a multifunctional complex that offers lodging and entertainment with an aim to bring people and businesses together. The hub's aim is to ...

    2024/6/22 -Fee, Free. Location. Location: 1-1-4 Hanedakuko, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-0041. Direct walk from Tenkubashi Station on the Keikyu Airport line or Tokyo Monorail ...

    2024/6/16 -We operate a shuttle bus to Haneda Airport, suitable for early morning flights. *Use is limited to staying guests only. ... *There is no shuttle bus running from ...