

A SPEC file can be thought of as the "recipe" that the rpmbuild utility uses to actually build an RPM. It tells the build system what to do by defining ...



ヤマハは、ネイキッドロードスポーツの「MT-03 ABS」および「MT-25 ABS」にニューカラーを追加し、2024年7月30日に発売すると発表した。いずれもスペックに変更はなく、価格も据え置きだ。ヤマハは、2022年(MT-25)...


RPM's spec file format allows conditional blocks of code to be used depending on various properties such as architecture (%ifarch /%ifnarch), operating system ...

You can understand a SPEC file as a recipe that the rpmbuild utility uses to build an RPM. A SPEC file provides necessary information to the build system by ...


The way we direct RPM in the build process is to create a spec file. As we saw in the previous chapter, the spec file contains eight different sections, most of ...

RPM spec files have several sections which allow packages to run code on installation and removal. These bits of code are called scriptlets and are mostly ...

2019/9/2 -This post is an overview of how an RPM is built from a spec file. It covers spec files, their different sections, and how they are used to ...

Comments are a way to make RPM ignore a line in the spec file. The contents of a comment line are entirely up to the person writing the spec file.

Source RPM (SRPM). An SRPM contains source code and a SPEC file, which describes how to build the source code into a binary RPM. Optionally, the patches to ...

RPM provides a rich set of macros to make package maintenance simpler and consistent across packages. For example, it includes a list of default path ...

2018/9/12 -This tarball includes all of the files and Bash scripts that will be installed by the final rpm. There is also a complete spec file, which you ...

A.そういうの知りたければメーカーサイト見ればわかるでしょ。 https://rpm421.com/product/muffler/honda/cb400sf-vtec-nc39/rpm-67rac...

A.4ー2ー1はう〜〜ん!! 67Racingはふ〜〜ん!! と言った感じですかね。 アルミ、チタン、ステンの音はハンマーで叩いてみれば聞こえますが。 アルミ製、チタン製、ステン製のマフラーでし...