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    2024/5/5 -rpm-build-libs: Libraries for building and signing RPM packages ... Get the ... rpm spec file to stdout: $ rpmspec -P rpm.spec. Summary: The RPM package ...

    photo:Hidenori Hanamura(花村英典)ホンダのコンパクト・ミニバン「フリード」が3代目へとフルモデルチェンジされた。既に現行型はモデル末期となり、新型の情報も流れていた今年上半期(2024年1~6月)の新車販...




    2024/5/3 -This tutorial demonstrates RPM packaging by packaging the GNU Hello program. While the program itself is simple, it also comes with many peripheral ...

    2024/5/17 -Building rpm packages requires the rpm-build and rpmdevtools package, which may not be already installed. Install them now as root. Note that this command will ...


    https://media.ccc.de/v/4530-creating-a-language-server-for-rpm-spec-files RPM packaging is a foundation of the software delivery mechanism on RPM-based ...


    4日前 -Create an RPM package for RedHat-based Linux distributions for your Electron app, using Electron Forge.

    2024/5/1 -There are three steps to building a binary RPM package, all of which are handled automatically by the Distutils: create a .spec file, which describes the ...

    A.そういうの知りたければメーカーサイト見ればわかるでしょ。 https://rpm421.com/product/muffler/honda/cb400sf-vtec-nc39/rpm-67rac...

    A.4ー2ー1はう〜〜ん!! 67Racingはふ〜〜ん!! と言った感じですかね。 アルミ、チタン、ステンの音はハンマーで叩いてみれば聞こえますが。 アルミ製、チタン製、ステン製のマフラーでし...

    2024/5/5 -Automatically generate release values and changelog entries from git history in RPM spec files - fedora-infra/rpmautospec.

    2024/6/26 -rpm is a powerful Package Manager, which can be used to build, install, query, verify, update, and erase individual software packages. A package consists of an ...

    2024/5/1 -This Tech Brief provides a basic HOWTO for creating an RPM package, signing it, distributing it (via a yum repository), and verifying its contents. It does this ...

    2024/4/24 -As of 2020-11-20, systemd-rpm-macros is required by rpm-build in both Leap and Tumbleweed, so you do not need to request it from a specfile; nonetheless, feel ...