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  • PC Engines - ArchWiki

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    3. PC_Engines

    2024/2/29 -PC Engines is a Swiss hardware manufacturer for embedded x86 devices. apu2c4. This document describes how to install Arch Linux to the SSD via an SD card or ...

    2023/10/7 -This guide demonstrates how to build a wired/wireless router using the PC Engines APU platform and a free operating system like OpenBSD or Debian to be used for ...

    2024/2/12 -APU system boards are designed and manufactured by PC Engines in Taiwan. Boards are based on AMD Embedded G series GX-412TC low (6 to 12W) power consumption ...

    2024/2/12 -APU system boards are designed and manufacturered by PC Engines. Boards are based on AMD Bobcat low consumption APUs. The boards and other components ...

    2023/6/27 -fpga (hardware-level) emulation, handles hucards and CDs games, pce as well as TG16. Plus it has HDMI> output, original controller port plus USB for wireless ...

    2023/6/27 -A homebrew software suite for video game consoles developed to help in the evaluation of upscalers, upscan converters, line doublers and of course TV ...

    2023/12/18 -コンテンツをロード. ゲームのROMを保存してある場所を指定して、ゲームを起動させます。 外付けHDDなどは「/media」の中に表示されるようになっています。 ファイルを選択 ...

    2023/11/13 -Unix, BSD and Linux on other architectures. QEMU (qemu) - A fast emulator, which supports multiple architectures (ARM, x86, powerpc, mips, ...

    2024/4/5 -Mednafen is a portable, utilizing OpenGL and SDL, argument(command-line)-driven multi-system emulator. Mednafen has the ability to remap hotkey functions ...

    Releases-Links-Sega Saturn Documentation-Documentation

    2023/8/29 -The best NES/ Dendy/ FDS emulator for Linux, based on FCE Ultra. GTK2 based GUI. Emulates a huge number of mappers; Support for saves; Many customizations ...