


  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 2024/5/3 -The Luna Controller was designed for cloud gaming. Its Cloud Direct technology connects directly to Amazon's custom game servers for lower latency gaming.

    2024/4/4 -LUNA is designed to be played between 1-5 sessions, depending on your table's preferences. The game works great as a one-shot, but also can be extended out ...

    2024/4/29 -Here's the full list of Amazon Luna Plus games as of April 2024: 1941 Counter Attack; 1942; 1943; 1944 The Loop Master; 19XX The War Against Destiny; Airhead ...

    Amazon Luna has announced a new partnership with GOG that could potentially lead to thousands of new games for the cloud gaming platform.

    YouTube-NERF Gaming News

    2024/4/10 -Grand open on March 28th. Korean original mobile game [LUNA MOBILE] is expected to have a grand launch on March 28. Don't forget to follow the official ...

    2024/4/8 -Amazon Luna lets you play your favorite games on devices you already own; Games stream directly from the cloud to your screens; Play on supported Windows PC ...

    2024/5/1 -Choose from 6 diverse classes! Embark on exciting adventures with friends and loved ones! Explore endless maps and enjoy an engaging game story! Conquer any ...

    2024/4/3 -Picross Luna III - On Your Mark moonkeeper endured for a long, long time, and finally faced the princess he couldn't forget even in his dreams

    2024/5/1 -Amazon Luna: Every Free Game With Prime (May 2024) ; Fallout New Vegas Veteran NCR Ranger; Strip in Fallout New Vegas; Fallout New Vegas: character and robots ...

    What? I'd guess if a game offered a performance mode or something, it would prompt you or offer something in the game's settings?

    A.>The Luna Gameって何ですか 海外のフリーゲームです >アニメのキャラクターですか? 「マイリトルポニー」という海外のおもちゃ (アニメ化もしています)の 「Luna」...

    A.ハンゲのゲームは基本的に韓国で開発されています。 すでに韓国で先行してサービスが開始されているものを、テキストを日本語に翻訳して日本でもサービスを行っているだけです。 コンチェルトゲートやファミスタ

    A.メインは魔ですが一応弓ローグも持ってるんで参加させてもらいますね。 では回答を。 ①何に振り分けたら・・・ ルナでは"ローグ=敏捷全振り"が鉄板っぽくなっていますが 弓一...