

  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/3/19 -We can use .dwg files to store data and metadata on 2D and 3D designs. Additionally, .dwg files are compatible with many CAD programs, especially AutoCAD.

    2024/1/28 -Get the latest version of FreeCAD for on Ubuntu - An open source parametric 3D CAD modeler.

    2023/12/28 -Hi, to start things off, Currently i'm on windows 11, and i use SolidWorks for my parts, i love it, it's by far my favorite cad software, i started…

    2024/3/22 -I don't understand how I am supposed to install FreeCAD on Ubuntu 22.04 with gmsh for the FEM workbench. The options I see are: - Install FreeCAD via "Ubuntu ...

    2024/1/6 -FreeCAD is available from Ubuntu repositories and ... OpenSCAD is a free and open-source CAD software for creating solid 3D CAD ... Use TrueCAD intellicad software ...

    2024/1/25 -nanoCAD is not available for Linux but there are plenty of alternatives that runs on Linux with similar functionality. The best Linux alternative is FreeCAD ...

    the process on both Windows and Linux operating systems, including Ubuntu ... CAD , #3DPrinting Journey with me and Patreon ... Unlock Future Features: How to ...

    YouTube-MangoJelly Solutions for FreeCAD

    2024/4/2 -Add a note to any entity; Use any number of layers; Create XY charts anywhere, annotated with CAD entities; Export drawings to SVG, PNG or PDF files; Save ...

    2023/12/20 -Mayo the opensource 3D CAD viewer and converter. Overview. Convert 3D files. Mayo can read/write 3D files from/to STEP, IGES, STL and many other CAD formats.

    Wiki-Releases 9-Issues 38-README.md

    2024/3/20 -Autodesk Fusion 360 is not available for Linux but there are some alternatives that runs on Linux with similar functionality. The best Linux alternative is ...

    A.debian Linuxのパッケージにあるのでubuntuでも使えると思うのですがLinuxではQCadというのが使えそうですね。 WindowsのフリーCADは基本的に使えないと思います。 ただ


    A.・見られないサイト(IE専用以外で) 表示に関していえば、ブラウザレベルでの対応の話になるので、Linuxかどうかは関係ありません。 Firefoxで見られるか?Operaで見られるか?その程度...


    A.JWLは無いので、JWW使う前提ならWindowsを使います。 Windows7モデルのはずなので、7のサポート終了に向けて 移行を検証しているのであれば、JWWをLinux系OSで動かすことを...
