

The EPRT command, specified by RFC 2428, is the Extended PORT command. It has the same functionality as the PORT command, but enables the client to specify ...

2020/4/16 -When trying to connect to WS_FTP Server, receive the following error: Error: 500 PORT/EPRT (Active Mode/Extended Active Mode) is not ...

This article describes how to implement passive (PASV) and extended passive (EPSV) data transfer mode for data connections to epddownload.bmc.com which are ...

When a PORT/EPRT command is sent from an FTP client, the data connection is established only if both of the following conditions are satisfied: A port number ...

2020/9/16 -How do I add an exception to prevent scanning or blocking of port 21 FTP? FTP sending is throwing “port/eprt is not supported use pasv/epsv”.

This allows users behind routers/firewalls to connect over FTP when they might not be able to connect over an Active (PORT/EPRT) FTP session. ... PORT FTP command ...

2019/10/17 -The client requests EPRT mode, but the port of FTP reply is not 20 port, but a random port greater than 1024. See attachment for message ...

To verify it is fixed, run a command like “ls” or “dir” and if it lists your files and/or folders it is fixed. 500 PORT/EPRT (Active Mode/Extended Active Mode) ...

The EPRT command is a slightly newer addition to the FTP protocol than PORT and is the preferred command to use since it enables IPv6 to be used. Old FTP ...

2014/5/19 -Hello, Since a few days, our ftp server is showing message "500 PORT/EPRT (Active Mode/Extended Active Mode) is not supported.